Terms begining with "s"
- Sadness
- Safe withdrawal of preventive drugs
- Salbutamol
- Salmeterol
- Sarcoma
- Sarcopenia
- Saying goodbye by phone
- Screening
- Screening tool for anxiety and depression
- Secondary health care
- Sedating agitated patients
- Senna extract
- Sensory changes
- Serious adverse drug reaction
- Serious health-related suffering (SHS)
- Serious illness
- Serious illness communication
- Serotonin (5-Hydroxy Tryptamine) (5HT)
- Serotonin syndrome (serotonin toxicity)
- Sertraline hydrochloride
- Setting of care
- Severe illness
- Severity of illness
- Sexuality
- Shark cartilage
- Shortness of breath
- Side effect
- Sign
- Simple linear regression
- Sleep-related disorders
- Social care
- Social health insurance
- Social security
- Social stigma
- Social work
- Social worker in palliative care
- Sodium biphosphate / sodium phosphate oral laxative
- Sodium carboxymethylcellulose dressing
- Sodium hyaluronate topical hydrogel
- Sodium picosulfate
- Sodium salicylate
- Somatic symptom and related disorders (previously somatoform disorders)
- Somatization disorder
- Somnolence (drowsiness)
- Specialist
- Specialist palliative care services
- Specialty
- Spinal stenosis
- Spiritual assessment: FICA spiritual history tool
- Spiritual assessment: HOPE questions
- Spiritual assessment: Spiritual-AIM
- Spiritual screening tool
- Spirituality
- Spirituality in palliative care
- Spironolactone
- Squashed stomach syndrome
- St John’s wort
- St. Christopher’s Hospice
- St. Joseph's Hospice
- Staging
- Stakeholders
- Standard
- Standard deviation
- Standardized mortality ratio / rate
- Statistical power
- Status epilepticus
- Steering group
- Stevens-Johnson syndrome
- Stimulant
- Strategy
- Stress
- Stroke / Cerebrovascular accident
- Stupor
- Subcutaneous furosemide
- Subsidy
- Substance use disorder
- Substance use disorders in palliative care
- Sudeck’s atrophy
- Suffering
- Suffering: intolerable, refractory
- Suicide
- Suicide among cancer survivors
- Suicide in patients with terminal conditions
- Sumatriptan
- Superior vena caval (SVC) obstruction
- Supply
- Supportive care
- Surgical oncology
- Surprise question
- Surprise question: a prognostic tool
- Surrogate decision-making
- Survey
- Survival rate
- Survivor
- Sustainability
- Symptom
- Symptom meaning
- Syndrome
- Syndrome of imminent death
- Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
- Systematic review