Treatment, or therapy, is the attempted remediation of a health problem, usually following a diagnosis.
It is the medical or surgical management of a patient.
Difference between preventions, treatments, and cures.
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prevention or preventive measure is a way to avoid an injury, sickness, or disease in the first place, and generally it will not help someone who is already ill (though there are exceptions).
A treatment or cure is applied after a medical problem has already started.
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treatment treats a problem, and may lead to its cure, but treatments more often ameliorate a problem only for as long as the treatment is continued.
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cure is a subset of treatments that reverse illnesses completely or end medical problems permanently.
The words
treatment, and
intervention overlap in a semantic field, and thus they can be synonymous, depending on context.
Adapted from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Internet. Accessed on June 14, 2016.