Published by Roberto Wenk.
Last updated date: June 26, 2016.
It is defined as palliative care when death is imminent.
End-of-life care acknowledges that the intensity of physical, psychological, existential, spiritual and family issues may be magnified by the patient’s approaching death.
The goals of end-of-life care are to increase awareness that end-of-life is a part of the natural course of the disease, acknowledge that dying patients are whole persons and to come up with a model of care that match the preferences of the patient and family.
One of the important decisions that has to be made is where the patient and family would like the death to occur. An inpatient hospice or hospital setting may be the preferred option for some while for others home hospice services may be the choice.
Steinhauser KE, Tulsky JA. Defining a ‘Good Death’. Hanks G, Cherny NI, Christakis NA, Fallon M, Kaasa S, Portenoy RK (Ed).Oxford Textbook of Palliative Medicine. Oxford University Press, Fourth Edition, 2010, pp. 135-140.