Roberto Wenk, MD

Roberto Wenk, physician, is one of the pioneers of palliative care in Argentina and Latin America. He lives in the city of San Nicolas, Argentina.
After earning a medical degree at the Universidad Nacional de Rosario in Argentina and a diploma in anesthesiology, he went on to work as an anesthesiologist from 1974, and in 1983 he began to work in palliative care in addition to his work in anesthesiology. Since 1994, he combined care of patients and familia, graduate and undergraguate teaching and basic research in palliative care, and since 2000 he has dedicated his work exclusively to palliative care.
He retired from clinical practice at the end of 2014.
Dr. Wenk is currently director of the Programa de Medicina Paliativa – Fundación FEMEBA (Medical Federation of the Province of Buenos Aires) in Buenos Aires.
He is currently working in the development and use of online clinical records for palliative care, and in improving synchronous and asynchronous virtual education.
He is a founding member and past president of both the Argentinean Association for Palliative Medicine and Care (AAMyCP) and the Latin American Association for Palliative Care (ALCP). From 2005-2009 he was a member of the Board of Directors of the Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance (now the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance – WHPCA).
He first joined the IAHPC Board in 2007 and he is still a member of the Board of Directors. in 2014. He was a member of different working groups: Pallipedia, Opioid Price Watch and IAHPC Palliative Care Essentials (Essential Practices, Prescription Opioid Essential Package).
Currently he is in charge of functional design and content of Pallipedia, and member of both the IAHPC Palliative Care Certification Process and IAHPC first consults Global Palliative Care Database working groups.